It all began with a curiosity:

What would happen if I spent a year living cloudfully?

Hi, I’m Sue and I love clouds!

It all started for me one day when I was meditating outside and looked up to see the Moon shimmering through a veil of translucent Cirrostratus clouds. It was beautiful, mesmerising and I was filled with awe as I raced to fetch my camera and photographed the scene from every conceivable angle.

As I wrote about the experience in my journal, the thought occurred to me: What if I did this every day for a year? I called it “My Year of Living Cloudfully” and I’ve never looked back!

Look up at the sky and experience Awe and Wonder everyday.

Research shows that experiencing awe is good for us!

We feel more gratitude and curiosity when we experience awe.

Feeling grateful is good for us and good for those around us.

A Cloud Never Dies

When a cloud is transformed into rain,

it is not dying,

A cloud can become rain or snow or ice.

A cloud cannot become nothing.

It is impossible for a cloud to die.

It is a continuation.

In the same way,

it is impossible for you,

a human being, to die.

You are also a continuation.

By Thich Nhat Hanh

Cloudfullness as a form of

Arigato Living.

Arigato is the Japanese art of gratitude.

Cloud watching gives me the opportunity to slow down and appreciate the small things in life.

And when we spend more time appreciating the small things in life we feel more gratitude.

I swim in the sea every morning. It is my connection to nature and to the clouds that I photograph later in the day after the water in the ocean has risen to form those clouds.

Experiencing awe and wonder in this way every day and expressing it through my cloud photography makes me feel fully alive and in the moment.

As Thich Nhat Hanh teaches, a cloud never dies, it is merely a continuation of the water cycle. Through my photography, I extend that cycle of nature into a happy money cycle by donating a portion of the profits to organisations that are creating positive change in the world.

My photography is created with the awe of nature and is designed to spread gratitude and happy money around the world. This is Arigato Living!